Sesa Woruban - 'tep
It's not that Deaf cannot hear, Deaf refuses to hear the truth. Deaf cannot recognize the truth in what he heard. If Deaf happens to hear some truth, he changes what he heard to suit his damaged mental state. He will turn the knife of truth away from his enemy (inner or outer) and deflect the blow. The deflected blow is usually (subconsciously or consciously) aimed at other African people.
Maybe Dumb is not dumb because of what he doesn't know. Maybe Dumb is dumb because of what he thinks he knows or what he's been taught. Perhaps Dumb has conducted an in depth study of this or that, but he does not operate in the best interest of African people. Therefor his conclusions only serve his oppressors and work against his people.
Dumb could be dumb because of things he lets fall out of his mouth.
Dumb could be dumb because of the magnitude of our situation as Africans in America. (Dr. Jeffries calls it a paralysis of analysis).
What can you say about Blind. If Blind cannot see, Blind is dependent upon others to tell him what's "really" going on. Sure Blind might be able to hear, but may be convinced by others that what he thought he heard, wasn't what "really" happened. I'm not speaking of the third eye, nor am I speaking metaphorically. I am speaking of the two eyes between the ears that can give witness to the truth. The two eyes that are attached to the brain where imagines of truth can be burned, kept, transmitted to the heart (the seat of intelligence) and acted upon.
The Opener of the Way
One of my favorite lectures by Naim Akbar is played on Pyramid of Truth, a radio station on Live365. It's entitled "The Osairan Resurrection." In this lecture, he takes metaphor and applies it to the metaphorically dead and literally dying Africans in America. He speaks of the opening of the mouth (Maa-Kheru), the restoring of sight (the eye of Heru) and the restoration of the heart (ib). The Funeral Ceremonies in the Prt Em Hrw speaks on these things too. He also speaks of opening the ears, but I cannot find any such ceremony - but you get the point, right?
During the mummification process, there were a few organs that where saved. The brain was not one of them, but the heart was very important. The Kemetians said the heart was the seat of intelligence. In my understanding, this means - if what you learn stays in your brain (data storage) and doesn't make it to your heart (right knowledge/right action) it's useless.
Listening to Dr Akbar's lecture, I began to think that Africans in America are heartbroken. Our brains of been hijacked so that even if we could begin to repair our hearts, we would not act in our own best interests. As Dr Akbar insists - the sight and the hearing must be restored, the mouth must be opened, the heart must be made whole.
How? How do you get a people with shattered hearts, hijacked brains and senses that may be compromised to hear, see and speak the truth and then by doing so, ACT? HOW?