Food for thought. Take it, or leave it alone. Is it really what they call you, or is it what you answer to? I have read many instances where things, and even creation itself are brought into being through the verbalization of words. Many scholars say that when ancient texts speak of “words, ” it's a symbolic representation of sound waves. Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted research on the physical effects words have on water (Hado).
I shamelessly borrowed excerpts from “Historical Deception, The Untold Story of Ancient Egypt” and “Egyptian Cosmology, The Animated Universe” by Moustafa Gadalla to try and make a point. PLEASE feel free to send me more quotes and Iwill add them to the post – even if they are contrary to what I’ve sited.
Oh, and don’t get caught up in the european terminology he uses. I think he does it on PURPOSE. If you have a problem with words like “magic, spirits” and“spells” you need to run the anti-virus and spy ware programs in your mind and reclaim your TrueStory.
Historical Deception, The Untold Story of Ancient Egypt
Chapter 42 – The Science of Magic
“It is known that musical vibrations induce organic and inorganic substances into patterns and forms; such as plants responding to sound.”
My comment: “hmmmm.”
“The powers of sound were important in several treatments. By pronouncing certain words or names of powers, in the proper manner and in the proper tone of voice, a priest/doctor could heal the sick, and cast out the evil spirits (inother words the contrary/incompatible energies) which caused the pain andsuffering.”
My comment: “Hmmmm.”
“The power of the sound vibrations was important in performing Egyptian chants, spells and calling a person’s name. Everything has a ‘real’ name, a name that enshrines the essence of the thing, which is the thing. To know and pronounce the real name of a NTR, a man or an animal is to exercise power over it.”
My comment: “HMMMMM!” (ya’ll didn’t know I was so deep did you.)
Egyptian Cosmology, The Animated Universe
Chapter 15 – Tehuti, The Divine Tongue
Name Calling
“The name of a NTR, person, animal or principle represents a resume or synopsis of the qualities of that person or object. To know and pronounce the real name of a NTR, man, or animal is to exercise power over it. It is therefore that Ancient … Egyptians have real “secret” names for everybody and everything in order to protect the person and thing.”
My comment: “Ah Ha!”
What I’m trying to say is:
It IS what they call you:
Power full:
Remember when you were a child and your mother would call your FULL name? Ursa Maat Ra Sen Tep En Ra! Where you at, bwoi! Yikes! You knew your butt was in trouble and you had an EMOTIONAL response to it.
Power less:
On the flip side, if you tried to get the attention of a person, shouting out“Hey YOU!” doesn’t always work (it never works with me). Calling out the wrong name almost never works (with anyone).
It IS what you answer to:
Power full:
What happens when your music, your language and your cultural practices denigrate women? Advocate killing? Disregard the children? It’s not wise to become desensitized to abhorrent behavior, and it’s never good to accept andbegin practicing abhorrent behavior as moral behavior. Another example of this is, some people respond positively to positive words. You know, catching more bees with honey. Tell people that they are intelligent and trustworthy, and some will always try to produce that face for you – even if they did the research five minutes ago on the Internet. None of us wants to be perceived as stupid and shady.
Power less:
If you’ve danced to it, made love to it, snapped your fingers to the beat, or shouted, “heeeeeeeeey, that’s my song!” it has power. Even if it didn’t cause you to have an emotional response, if you’ve answered to it, it has power - sorry!
Thank you for you "listening,"
Sesa Woruban
"I transform my life"
enlightening post on the power of names, sis. It reminds one of the way our ancestors used and respected the sound energy (vibrations) and the consious and unconsious effect thereof on man. The western culture regards names simply as labels, we cannot fall into that delusion. We must not let our vision or hearing be stunted by the deaf, dumb and blind.
Brotha olblackmagic, I think this post is all about respecting vibrations. What we say to each other does matter. What we call ourselves does matter! Look at the names posted on this blog. All powerful and self affirming. Wow. Thanks for your comment. I cannot WAIT to see the first article you are writing!
Much love
Very true sis Sekhmet. Hekau are indeed words of power that we used to invoke energies. There are mantras for the particular deity one wishes to invoke. There are precise things one must do to achieve the goal of involking these energies - combination of hekau, breathing and cadence. In other words, these are deliberate actions.
The words that I speak of here don't necessarily have a "specific" power. What I wanted to say is that we should be careful of what we put out, and what we take in - consciously and subconsciously.
Thanks for the information on heka. I think olblack should address them on his blog!
The concept of Hekau was one of the first Ancient ideas I sought to understand. It seemed to be a vehicle that could aid me in getting out of what I'd always considered a perilous existence/state of mind.
Dr. Richard King taught me that I had the physiological, anatomical and spiritual capability to address that existence. Hekau, I learned could become a powerful tool if used properly.
I then became Sia.....the NTR of Divine Insight and Perception....not the Supreme Force but the untrained, unorganized talent.....a cause for much 'mental unrest'. I wonder how many more years I have left to work on getting 'trained' and 'organized'.....perhaps I can get it right during my next attempt.
Mama. Your words bring "balance" to my thoughts. Balance is so important. I look at my name and I see "I transform my life." At the time it was chosen, it was appropriate considering the chaos that was going on around me. Perhaps it's time that I added to my name or even "transformed" it (HA!).
Which brings another thought to my head. I used to wonder why jaaja changed his screen name as often as he did. I cannot remember the ones he had (I remember they were blue and I remember thinking "dayum he must have a great job" lmaoooo). It must have been a part of and an indication of his growth and transformation.
At one time you may have been soley "Sia," then you grew and transformed, but did not add that quality to the "list" - your name. It doesn't mean you don't have the qualit[ies]y, it just means that they're/it's unrecognized.
You have my permission to give yourself a middle name/an additional name that reflects your wisdom, growth and intellect! (lmaoooooooooooo!!!)
"When people call you by your name, they are chanting or giving an incantation of the power suggested in your name. Would anyone name their child Stupidboy or Hocakes? How could someone with such a name anticipate success and respect in life? What someone calls you is of spiritual importance.
Your name is the most important word you will ever know in your lifetime. ... It has radiating power in you and around you. ... When it is called, it produces waves and radiations in and around you because it represents the content of your potential package of kinetic power. There is magnetization between you and your name when it is spoken."
Kongo scholar Kimbwandende Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau
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