Monday, January 02, 2006

12 Principles of African Spirituality

The Temple of the African Community of Chicago was founded by Baba Jacob H Carruthers.

The Spiritual Temple of the African Community of Chicago is committed to the following:

1. The recognition of the One Creative Spirit of the Universe, Amun or the Hidden One.

2. The recognition of the Infinite Manifestations of Spirit that inhabit all that exists.

3. The recognition of the Spirituality of all African People.

4. The recognition of the essential harmony among Spirit, Cosmos, Nature, and African people.

5. The restoration of African Spirituality among African People.

6. The reestablishment of Kamite liturgy and calendar for Spiritual Wisdom.

7. The use of ancient Kemetic texts as the major repository of our Spiritual Wisdom.

8. The conducting of celebrations for:
  • incoporation of children into the African community;
  • initiation of youth into manhood and womanhood;
  • the union of families for the purpose of creating new families;
  • the investment of mature men and women into positions of responsibility;
  • the advancement of elders to have a state of veneration;
  • the passage of the deceased to the state of everlasting life.

9. The instruction of African People in Kamite Spiritual, Ethical, and Moral values, with special attention to children and youth.

10. Promoting African familyhood (Ujima) as the foundation and exemplary model of national life.

11. Promoting African Nationalism among African People as a natural component of African Spirituality and as a duty among all African People.

12. Promoting the development of a healthy African personality through Kamite Spirituality, Ethics, and Morals.

copyright Temple of the African Community of Chicago

Asante Sana,

Sesa Woruban


vivacious vivian said...

Se Alaafia Ni, Sesa

It seems like I am getting to know you through your writings.

We have a program similar to this at The Afrikan Village in St. Louis.

Odooba, Sesa

vivacious vivian said...

Thanks, Sesa, for being a friend on my yahoo 360 blog, revolving and thank you for helping me with my discussion group, pro-gress_evolve. I really ap- preciate your input.

I'm going to put "12 Principles of African Spirituality" on my favorites.
