Monday, April 13, 2015

This Cycle I AM

It's been ages since I was in that place and in this space.  I've raised a son who is off to college.  I'm in a new state (read it how you like and it will still be true). 

I left my square because I encountered too many rhombuses. Their orbits appeared elliptical, but they where headed straight for the heart of the nearest star. 

While I was away (astray), I lost people dear to me and gained ancestors - that's right Darkest Goddess, you cannot get away from me! I know you have children and grandchildren to watch over - so this time, I'll share. 

Sa Ptah - I don't know where you are, but you're in trouble.

To all the mamas and babas still in my life, I give thanks - ase.  

If my son stumbles across this entry - enjoy this journey.  It's neither an end nor a beginning.  It's part of a cycle you've embarked upon because you wanted to.  In the words of Lauren Hill "And I thank you for choosing me to come through unto life to be."

Sesa Woruban - I transform my life
(adapted from the Adinkra symbol Sesa Wo  Suban)


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