Friday, October 14, 2005


FX Wrote:

Ok I've been quiet about this long enough. What the FUCK!? I don't even know where to start with this Millions More Movement rap show this weekend. I know that I am sick and tired of Black "leadership" and their BULLSHIT!! The bottom line is this:

You don't march or vote to get power, YOU BUILD IT AND/OR TAKE IT!


You don't dilute your power by uniting with er'ry body else. AFRIKAN PEOPLE AREN'T EVEN UNITED ON THE CRUCIAL AREA'S WE NEED TO BE UNITED ON. FAMILY FIRST!

This is nothing more than a negro push for mainstream legitimacy with religious validation, all while making money in the process. A nice little chapter in the Negro history books won't hurt either. It took me a while but I've figured it out......I, FX have figured Black leadership out, and I'm mainly talking about the so-called nationalistic religious groups / organizations like the N.O.I., the Hebrews, the Moors, the Black Liberation Theology Christians ( a paradox of words and concepts if I ever heard one), the Nuwabians, Black Jews, and AAALLLL the rest......their game is it be:

These religious groups preach and wait for prophecy to be fulfilled in order for there to be radical change, and then the Black man is free from oppression.......MEANWHILE until that prophecy comes, until that messiah (or mothership) comes back to take the heads of the unrighteous, the oppressors, the devils, the sinners, the gentiles......LET'S MAKE MONEY WITH THESE VERY SAME DEVILS, GENTILES, SINNERS, OPPRESSORS, THE UNRIGHTEOUS.

THAT'S THE GAME THEY PLAY WITH THE BLACK MASSES! And to make it worse.....these negroes really deep down do not believe in any such "prophecy" or "messiah" to return, they just preach that to the masses. THAT'S COWARDLY! I don't know why it took me soooo many years of dealing with these FUCKERS to finally see this. And to top it all off they utilize religious belief systems that ARE NOT Afrikan people's religions nor culture.

These sexist, chauvanistic, hypocritical, ego-maniacal, power hungry, status seeking, skeletons in the closet-yet righteous indignation elitists should never have an audience again. I will say it here and from now on and let this be the mantra.....


Hell, who hired them in the first place? Was it god? Then we need to kick his celestial ass! No maybe it was US! Afrikan people are responsible for the type of leadership they allow to represent them. It's a simple equation: if the leadership sucks then......(you know the rest) And I'll be fair, there have been many, many things that many Black leaders have done that was positive, I'll be the first to give credit where credit is due, and I still love many (not all) of these negroes......BUT WHEN IT COMES TO PACIFYING BLACK PEOPLE IN THE FACE OF GENOCIDE....WE GOTTA CALL'EM TO THE FLOOR!

Don't like what I typed? Whoop my ass!

Your thoughts?

Here are some damn articles regarding this show this weekend.

FX - There are very few conscious people, and even less revolutionaries.


olblackmagic said...

dang, you is a little fired up aint ya?? i basically agree with your sentiments though and i am happy to see that you continue to expand your knowledge. go head sista!

Seshat said...

Brotha olblackmagic, FX is an active member of the Afrikan Community in Chicago. I am on his mailing list. He sent this to me and then allowed it to be posted on my blog. I have passed your comments on to him.

Thank you,

Born Understanding said...

Sis, u feelin it huh? Great piece, keep it up Sis, cant stop, wont stop

vivacious vivian said...

Se Alaafia Ni, Sesa.

You are very deep, a warrior sista like me. I don't have to ask Bawo Ni? You are fired up! I admire you. I lost my fire and my warrior spirit, until I reconnected with Pastor Ray and my AfriKan Village family in St. Louis, Mo. It would help If more of us stop being African-Americans and start being what we are and that is Black Afrikans.

I agree that we have very weak leaders.

We continue to remain divided.

We, as a race, are floating around in a pool of water. All the gains that we acquired through the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement seem lost.

Why are we fighting so much to be a part of a country that don't want us?

I too have been hypnotized by my income and being able to live a decent life and guilty of not wanting to rock the boat too hard because of the racism that I experienced on my job.

On my good government job with good benefits by the way (Health Insurance, 401K, four hours of sick leave, eight hours of vacation leave per pay period, even going into retirement)for the last fourteen and a half years, I was a figure of controversy because of my out-spokeness when confronted by racism. I was often called a trouble maker, trying to divide the White-Americans and the African-Americans, and a Black Revolutionary by my African-American co-workers and upper crusts. Yet when the stress of fighting alone got to me, I went along to get along.

My warrior spirit fought against being submissive and complacent pretending that the White-American co- workers, charge people, and supervisors were not bias towards each other and did everything low-keyed to divide African- Americans. There were work relations spanding 20, 30, even 40 years between these White-Americans and African-Americans. It was often depressing and exhausting being a revolutionary fighting against that white/black iron wall. I often felt like a fish out of water. Yet my warrior spirit kept rising up at intervals and getting me in hot water.

Fighting alone will drive you crazy. I am glad to be away from that jpb amd those people.

WE remain divided. Negroes, African-American urbanites, ghettonites, academicnites, professionalnites, etc. California is a prime example of this division. The most active political leaders are the gays, the Asians, and the Latinos. The African-American leaders are pretty quiet, except in Oakland.

I live downtown in the retail district and I encountered African-American business people. I often get the up and down stare, then the nose in the air posture, as they walk by me. I speak anyway. I do it because this is a part of my southern roots, but mostly because I know they don't want to speak to me at all. Some will reluctantly speak back, but others will not.

Its very sad. The Asians are a very united people; the middle easterners are a very united people; the Spanish community is vey united; etc., etc.

I'm getting tired and sleepy, so I'm going to end with that last comment.
