Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Sesa: Greetings Sistah Mama Nommo.
Nommo: Greetings Sistah Daughtah Sesa.

Sesa: 1. Will you teach us and explain why you and I address each other this way?
Nommo: When i was a young girl my dad had a serious pet peeve. He could never understand a child who didnt put a 'handle' on the name of an adult. To this day i cannot reference an older person without a handle (i'm 52 yrs old). When i came in touch with the afrikan community' i understood the genetic memory my father was working from. Everyone in the 'community' has a lable, a handle, a way of identifying and distinquishing them from all the others while at the same time indicating the commonality of their 'station' in the community.
Nommo: I find that i often attach a term of endearment to the names of the children.....or reference them in the manner the old folks down south.........."that's wulla mae's gurl"......."that's big tommy and the other one is lil tommy" (actual folks in my family).
Nommo: I believe we had to work very hard to maintain a 'sense' of family during our enslavement and consequently will often repeat phrasing the confirms our understanding of the family relationships we have. I practiced that trauma induced behaviour and can recall my mother doing the same........."that's your sister" mother will ask me today....."did you talk to your SISTER?". We had to constantly reinforce the family relationships due to the instability created by enslavement and racism.
Nommo: I must reference you as to train and re-MIND myself of WHO you are to me.....

Sesa: 2. What is counter racists logic?
Nommo: I use the term logic to mean specific thought, speech and/or action.
Nommo: The adjective I attach to the term tells me the type and purpose of that specific thought speech and/or action.
Nommo: Racism is the most widely operated system on the planet and is designed to oppress and exploit people of color. It impacts every aspect of our lives. Prolonged exposure to the particular brand employed in amerikkka has resulted in cases of severe mental illness in the victims.
Nommo: If we as a people can behave in a manner that serves to RESIST the promotion, implementation, maintenance, and / or progress of this system AND/OR heal the resulting pain and illness experienced by the victims, that behavior would be considered COUNTER RACIST LOGIC
Nommo: Dr. Amos Wilson says that our behavior is driven by our consciousness.

Sesa: 3. What are the top 3 three things Afrikans do to propagate self hatred?
1. Deny any connection to Afrika.
2. Deny the existence and / or effectiveness of the system of racism/white supremacy. (it implies the desire and hope for assimilation, the state of becoming ‘painted white people’ or even worse ‘invisible.’
3. Mate with Caucasians.

Sesa: 4. Please name 3 things you do to counter racism.
1. Minimize all conflict with other Afrikan people.
2. Acknowledge at all times any instance or incidents that reflect the practice or effects of racism

3. Work on finding ways to heal myself.

Sesa: 5. How important is sistahood in countering racism?
Nommo: Our men are in such a peculiar postion.
Nommo: Conditioned over time to be and demonstrate less than the capacities dictated by their genes.
Nommo: And Sistahs gotta DEAL with THAT. Cause we love them…Our survival as a people depends solely upon the relationships needed between black men and black women.
Nommo: Kwame Nkrumah and Kwame Ture thought that the role, status, and oppression of black women was significant. Consequently, there was a one-of-a-kind separate wing of the AAPRP, All Afrikans Peoples Revolutionary Party just for the Sistahs.
Nommo: If we are to ultimately be a nation of people who thrive we will need to establish a different pattern and tradition of interacting with one another. I hope the sisters can reach a point of agreement that we can NOT harm one another and proceed in our roles as the FIRST TEACHERS to instill this basic behavior in the children.
Nommo: I don’t know if it’s necessary to speak to the power of black women….that’s common knowledge. What I don’t believe is commonly known is that the souls of black women need to be refueled through trusting and loving and healing interactions with other black women. What is also commonly known is our contrived state of competition with one another for the attentions of our maimed men. We got hurdles to cross with each other to get to that point of trust and healing. Hopefully we get there.

Sesa: 6. How do we protect and teach the babies without "willie lynching" them?
Nommo: Before I took Nia home I took her to Granny. I handed her to Granny and said, "Granny tell me how to raise this baby". Granny said, "Baby, they don’t come with instructions, so just do the best you can.".
Nommo: I thought about the world as it was and tried to tell them the truth. I didn’t always tell the truth about my own weaknesses because I was and continue to be ashamed of them. I was consistent. It was very hard work to CONSTANTLY remind them of the terror of a racist society.
Nommo: I was blessed to have come to know some truths about the world. And was determined that my girls would know that truth as well no matter how painful. Dr. Joy Leary says a ‘good mother’ will tell her babies about the horrors awaiting them. That’s what good mothers do. And you have to tell them every day.
Nommo: Every Single Day
Nommo:You have to tell them every time you see it. You have to train the babies to see it when it happens. If they are ever fooled by it they will hurt. So you tell the babies all the time about the bad things. Then you have to hug em and make em smile cause you gave em good food, warm bed, some fun and a moment or two of ‘controlled’ distraction.
Nommo: Then it’s back to work trainin em to see it and teachin em to counter it.
Nommo: Then one day they come and tell you, Mama guess what…
Nommo: Remember when you was talking about how they would treat me and what I should do when they do that ………well listen to this….
Nommo: Then you will smile and get back to work trainin.

Sesa: 7. In your opinon, what are the primary ingredients for building a nation?
Nommo: The NEED and DESIRE for a Nation.

Sesa: 8. How important is it for Afrikans on the continent and Afrikans in the Diaspora to participate in the process building nations, where ever those nations may be?
Nommo: We are the same people based on our gene pools. We need to begin to tell each other our respective culture-based horror stories so we can know we have suffered similarly and that our enemy in each case is really the same enemy.
Nommo: I think we have opportunities to increase our respective capacities with increased knowledge of our respective experiences. Perhaps we have the opportunity to return to an original state of greatness in the same way Auset restored Ausar…traveling about and gathering all the pieces to be put back together. A way of becoming KM WR, Lord of the PERFECT BLACK..

Sesa: 9. In your opinion, what are the 3 books that are a must read for Afrikans?
Nommo: Blueprint for Black Power
Nommo: The Isis Papers
Nommo: Yurugu

Sesa: 10. Is there anything you would like to add? (you MUST add something...anything.)
Nommo: I would like to hear from those who know of effective ways to heal the spirit of a tormented soul.

Sesa: Asante Sana, Mama.
Nommo: Shakitu


Born Understanding said...

We three have truly been together before....reading this its obvious that we all on the same page. QM, u coulda gave us more on Q #7...its interesting comparing our book lists...."blueprint" [how to build] vs "destruction of B civilization" [how we got defeated], "Isis papers" [symbolism used agaisnt us] vs "Blackman of the Nile" [history of Kemet]and "Yurugu" [modern African spiritual cultivation] vs "Metu Neter" [ancient African spiritual cultivation]. We truly COMPLIMENT one another. As usual, great job Sis, cant wait to read Yao`s interview, keep em comin! htp!

Quantum Consciousness said...

Yes, perhaps now you are convinced that you are my relative. I don't know anything more PRIMARY than NEED and DESIRE. What do you think?

Seshat said...

Thank you Born Understanding, but I cannot take total credit for the idea. My mysterious helper and I decided to do this some time ago. It's just now that we are getting back into the groove. Stay tuned. Jaaja is next, then Yao. Questions have been sent to Sek and K.G.

Born Understanding said...

QM, Sis, htp! Of course NEED and DESIRE are pre-requisites for being a Nationalist, but what comes after that? We need some ABILITIES to go with the need....but, most dont even see the need yet....I tol ya a year ago we been connected thru the ages, we was together at Killamanjaro 100 millenia ago...and Sesa was on the job even way back then! htp to yall Queens!

Seshat said...

When I wrote these questions, I really didn't have any answers in my head, but witnessing the dialog between Born Understanding and Nommo, I wonder how I would answer. I guess, being the not so deep thinker that I am, children are the first thing that come to mind. I really believe that corny song..."I believe the children are our future..."
