Monday, May 30, 2005

The Foul and the Fowl - An Intermission

I post to this blog once a week for the sake of conversation - ya know - to give the newly posted subject time to be explored throughly, and to have readers get their questions answered before we move on to the next post. *AHEM!*

Well, I have other interviews that are completed right now and they are ready to post. After reading the ones that haven't been read into the record as of this date, I realize that I am a turkey among ibis birds and peregrine falcons. I mean, have you ever seen a NTRW represented by a turkey? I don't think so!

I'm just in awe at the beautiful minds of my friends. I am forever grateful for their contributions. My mothers says "birds of a feather flock together," so fortunately for me, I'm "guilty by assocation!"

Thank you all, sn and sn-t "persons who I usually embrace; persons whom I am familiar with."

Aluta Continua,
Sesa Woruban

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