Thursday, May 26, 2005

Amen Ra

Hypacia: I have decided to approach you because you are seen as someone who is putting into practice "The United Independent Compensatory Code System Concept" as developed by Neely Fuller Jr.

Hypacia: 1. Are you someone who is putting the above mentioned concept into practice?
Amen Ra: I have made it my personal responsibility to replace the current supreme political SYSTEM, known as racsim (white supremacy), with a SYSTEM of justice. JUSTICE meaning a SYSTEM that guarantees that no person is mistreated and also guarantees the person that needs help the most gets the most help.

Hypacia: This interview will be from your perspective, and in no way will your opinions be taken for the opinion of the author. I will still preference each question with "In your opinion, " so that there is no confusion.

Hypacia: 2. Is this okay with you?
Amen Ra: Yes.
Hypacia: My intent is to post your comments on my blog to spark dialogue amongst the collective (non-white people of Afican desent). That URL is . For those who have not yet read the book, it can be found on .

Hypacia: Let's keep it basic for those who haven't read the book. 3. In your opinion, what is codification?
Amen Ra: Codification, in the broader sense, is a process for getting things done in the shortest period of time. Counter-racist Codification is a process of understanding the dynamics of racism (white supremacy) and what tools the racists (white supremacists) use and how to go about neutralizing the tools the racists (white supremacists) use in the shortest period of time.

Hypacia: 4. In your opinion, what is a white person?
Amen Ra: I'm not sure what a white person is because white people will not tell me. I suspect, based on logic, that a white person has 3 identifiers which are...
(1) Classifies themselves as white and have been classified as white.
(2) Accepted as white by other people classifed as white
(3) Functions as white in all places and at all times.

Hypacia: 5. In your opinion, what is a non-white person?
Amen Ra: A non-white person has 3 identifiers which are...
(1) Classified as a non-white person
(2) Functions as a non-white person in their relationships with other non-white people.
(3) Functions as a non-white person in their relationships with people classified as white in all places and at all times.

Hypacia: 6. In your opinion, what is a white supremacist?
Amen Ra: Logically speaking, a white supremacist (racist) has three identifiers which are...
(1) Classifies themselves as white
(2) Generally function as white
(3) Practice racial subjugation, based on "white"-"non-white" classifications, against people classifed as non-white in any place and/or at any time.

Hypacia: 7. In your opinion, who should use the codification set forth in the book?
Amen Ra: Any person that, at a time and place of their own choosing, decide to think, speak and/or act to replace white supremacy (racism) with justice from the list of suggestions provided in the book and/or from a list of suggestions from their own choosing.

Hypacia: 8. Will you give an example of effective use of codification?
Amen Ra: A practical example has been given in questions 4, 5 and 6. The result of codifying what a white person, non-white person, and white supremacist (racist) is helps me to stay focused on "what" I am talking to and not be niggerized (kept off balance) by concepts that are not FUNCTIONAL such as "Jew", "Germanic", "Hispanic", etc. These concepts keeps non-white people off balance in terms of being able to identify "what" and "who" is mistreating them on the basis of color.

Hypacia: 9. How has codefication helped you?
Amen Ra: Counter-Racist Codification has helped me to understand the dynamics of racism (white supremacy), what it is and how it works. The chief weapon of a racist (white supremacist) is deception and they use words mainly to deceive people. The second weapon of a racist (white supremacist) is direct violence. I say direct violence because deceit is a form of violence. When you deceive someone, unjustly, to their detriment, you are committing violence against that person. Counter-Racist Codification helps me to think constructively by it's use of words that are designed to reveal truth about exactly "what's happening", a phrase that non-white people have been asking each other for years. We know something is happening but our education does not allow us to think about the phenomenon we experience constructively... in terms of revealing truth. It has also helped me to understand the importance of words and using words to reveal truth. The use of words to reveal truth is what any person that uses deception does not want to happen. Using words to reveal truth and using truth to promote justice and correctness at all times and in all places is what Counter-Racist Codification is all about.

Hypacia: 10. Do you have a question to pose to the readers of this post?
Amen Ra: What is the reason YOU were born into a SYSTEM of INJUSTICE if not to produce a SYSTEM of JUSTICE?

Hypacia: Amen Ra, thank you for your time.
Amen Ra: You're most welcomed Hypacia...

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