Sesa Woruban: Greetings God Born Understanding.
Born Understanding: Htp Goddess
Sesa Woruban: Will you teach us and briefly explain why we address each other as God/Goddess?
Born Understanding: We do it for several reasons, first is to keep it in our conscious minds that :
1] there is no seperation between our selves and NTR.
2] there is no seperation between myself and the person im adressing.
3] that we are both in fact divine.
Born Understanding: Also to remind you of your one true nature, in the face of all the negativity you deal with daily. Knowing who/what you are helps your striving.
Sesa Woruban: 2. Will you give us a time line of your journey to the knowledge of self?
Born Understanding: Of course.
- Born 1963
- Studied ancient man/dinosaurs from 1970 to 1975
- 5% from 1976 to 1980
- Aansaaru allah muslim from 1981
- Achieved awareness of situation 1982
- Political activist starting in 1983
- Initiated into "lodge of the slave" 1986[received life mission]
- Started Project Never Forget 1986/87
- Held public "freedom celebrations" [Juneteenth] from 1988
- Married by Fanti King Osabrima 1988
- Began Kmt studies [historical] from 1988[under prof Simmons, then Dr Ben]
- Began "zionist' studies from 1989/90 [under LB Griffith]
- Studied artifact collection from 1991 under Eugene Redd
- Began West African studies in 1992
- Began Kmt studies [theological] thru Ra UN Nefer in 1997
- Completed trace of entire human history in 2003
Sesa Woruban: 3. Why is it important for one's God to look like ones self?
Born Understanding: Its not important that HE/SHE look like you physically. It's EXTREMELY important that HIS/HERS conception be of your own culture`s design. If it is not [Blacks worshipping white jesus] it usually means you have been conquered. The dominant culture imposing their God on others always helps the subjegated stay that way. It's like you a ford, with a plymouth owners can you fix a ford with a plymouth manual?
Sesa Woruban: 4. In your opinion, what is religion to an Afrikan?
Born Understanding: Everything, in all areas of life and culture. This means that in your science, mathematics, technology, theology, architechure, city planning, were all integrated into one system. If a mathematical principle does not fit a theological and agricultural truth, then adjustments must be made until all are integrated. The western system, has math alone, God alone, food alone, everything seperate. Our faith was included in everything.
Born Understanding: For an African, its not just water, its Goddess-in water [YEMAYA], not just air, but God-in- air [SHU], not just "the sun", but RA! God was/is seen as being present in all things.
Sesa Woruban: 5. In your opinon, what is the 'modern' purpose of religon?
Born Understanding: Spiritual and mental control of the masses, and profit. Continued power of the church. In the west, religion is used to control the masses. To keep a nation of millions from slaughtering each other, you must have systems of mass control. Christianity is the main control system here...thru skillfully placed psychological "traps", the mob can be guided.
Born Understanding: Just Jesus being white gives the Blackman 1000 psychological defects, Black christains now attempt to counter this by saying Jesus was Black, but thats just an excuse to stay christain.
Sesa Woruban: 6. Will you tell us the top 3 most influential people in your life?
Born Understanding: My Mother. My Father. My Wife.
Sesa Woruban: 7. A lot of us don't know how much Noble Drew Ali influenced Black thought. Will you give your opinion of him?
Born Understanding: Noble Drew gave us the first alternative to jesus, and set the basic black muslim mentality, and was copied by far bigger organizations than the Moors. He is the one who introduced Islam to us here, also the knowledge of Moorish history, and our first pride in being Black. Truly one of the all-time Greats.
Sesa Woruban: 8. In your opinion, what are some of the things required to heal Afrikan people?
Born Understanding: Knowledge of self. Love of self. Time.
Born Understanding: Knowledge of self and love of self go together. Hhe more you know yaself [you are Divine], the greater your capacities, including love.
Born Understanding: What throws many off is an inability to properly relate to time. We think in terms of immediate gratification, and healing is expected to be immediate also, but it is not. It takes time. If you suffer immense trauma over a period of centuries, how long does it take to heal? Slavery legally ended in 1865, has it been enough time?
Sesa Woruban: 9. In your opinion, what are the 3 books that are a must read for Afrikans?
Born Understanding: "The Destruction of Black Civilization" by Chancellor Williams. He lays out the entire history of the war between us.
Born Understanding: "Metu Neter" by Ra Un Nefer Amen. He lays out an excellent system of elevation, outstanding!
Born Understanding: "Black Man of the Nile and his Family" by Doc Ben. He lays out the historical aspects of Kemet, and their origins.
Sesa Woruban: 10. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Born Understanding: Know Your Self. Love Your Self. Act like you grown. Practice bravery. Dont believe the hype. Protect the weak. Never be wack. NEVER FORGET!
Sesa Woruban: Thank you Baba!
Born Understanding: htp Goddess!!
Dear Brother Born,
I appreciate your book helps me know you better.
Do you believe men and women view paths to healing similarly? If so, why? If not, why?
Htp and Respect
I should have asked, "if so, how?"
Greetings Baba,
I really enjoyed the interview and I love the way it call came together.
My question to you is, what is the lodge of the slave and who may enter?
Thank you
Sis, the Lodge of the Slave is simply the holder of information about ourselves that was retained/aquired by our enslaved Ancestors...some of us did not lose our knowledge of African culture during slavery, but the info had to be kept secret, even from other slaves, thus, the lodge. It was/is so secret, most members dont know each other, or even that this lodge includes them. I was lucky enuff to be formally initiated, so I know its history, which goes all the way back to the SHEMSU HERU in Kemet...KNOW THYSELF. To the QM.....what you`re really asking is do men and women view things the same way, irregardless of subject, and my answer is no they do not, and the reason is that we have complimentary opposing views on everything...male nature is to push forward.....penetrate...move aside...attack...female nature is to yield..... back up....adapt to circumstances...defend. These are NOT exclusive to the sex given, but are the general guidelines to the sexes, as dictated by our physical design, which was set by NTR.... In order to obtain wisdom, one must know both viewpoints, and at the least listen to the opposing sex viewpoint. If one does not, they are likely to have an very large blind spot, and will probably misunderstand complicated lessons.Check the principles of YIN/YANG, and substitute male/female, and a great deal of info can then be found. Avoid ANY western conceptions of male/female, as they are all slanted towards male. Also check the relationships of Gods and Goddesses in Kemet, and how Goddessees usually have a twin God.
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